Welcome to Yucatán: Integrate with Respect or Keep Moving

In recent years, Yucatán has witnessed a significant increase in the number of foreigners choosing to make this state their home. Whether it’s for its safety, quality of life, natural beauty, or the warmth of its people, more and more individuals worldwide are deciding to settle here.

Lately, multiple videos have surfaced on social media showing foreigners behaving like complete jerks, displaying disgraceful attitudes that could put them in a situation that is not only dangerous but also deeply unfortunate.

Entitled foreigner who insulted a Yucatecan gentleman because she didn’t want him to park on the street in front of her house.

For this reason, dear foreigner, I want to offer you some helpful advice. Like any community that welcomes new members, certain rules of coexistence must be understood and respected. I understand that you may not be aware of them, so allow me to explain:

  1. Your money, background, or appearance do not make you unique. Yucatán welcomes those who arrive with respect, but a person’s worth is not measured in dollars, euros, or any other foreign currency. Nor is it defined by skin color, physical traits, or the language you speak. True wealth lies in character, how you treat others, and your willingness to integrate without imposing.
  2. Mutual respect: the foundation of coexistence. Respect is a two-way street. Just as Yucatecans warmly welcome new neighbors, we expect the same in return. This means recognizing and respecting our customs, beliefs, and traditions that have shaped the identity of this region for the past thousand years. I encourage you to adapt to your new community and find a balance that fosters harmonious and enriching coexistence.
  3. Do not mistake kindness for submission. Yes, Yucatecans are hospitable and helpful, but we are not here to cater to whims or tolerate arrogant attitudes. Courtesy is not an invitation to abuse anyone’s patience. Never forget that you are a guest here, and treating those around you with dignity, respect, and gratitude —especially those who provide you with services or assistance—says more about you than any amount of money ever could.
  4. Know the past to understand the present. I strongly recommend that you take the time to read about Yucatán’s history. You will find that it is complex and, at times, painful. One of its most significant chapters is the Caste War, a rebellion led by our Maya ancestors in the 19th century against the abuses, exploitation, and ignorant arrogance imposed upon them by European settlers and their descendants. Ignoring this context means disregarding a fundamental part of this state’s identity. Understanding it will help you realize that Yucatecans have clear limits regarding tolerance.

I share this with you as a call for empathy and a reminder that Yucatán is not a place where entitlement or superiority complexes will be entertained. We are patient—until we are not.

Spanish man who threatened to harm a Yucatecan young lady because “the music was too loud”.

A Final Thought.
Dear foreigner, I say this with the utmost respect: The beauty of arriving in a new place—whether Yucatán or anywhere else—is building relationships based on respect and the willingness to coexist in harmony.

To those who embrace this mindset, Yucatán will welcome you with open arms. But to those who believe they can impose, belittle, or trample over its people, I strongly suggest considering somewhere else.

If history has proven anything, it is that this land is not—has never been—and will never be the ideal place for the arrogant.

So, welcome, foreigner. Learn. Adapt. Or move along.


José E. Urioste
February 27, 2025
Mérida, Yucatán