Two men are left hanging after a rope breaks in a building in Mérida

Police from the Ministry of Public Security (SSP) and workers from a building helped a couple of workers who were left hanging while cleaning the windows of a building in the Monterreal subdivision after a rope broke.

The incident occurred minutes before 4 p.m. in a shopping mall at 37th and 18th Streets in that subdivision.

People were cleaning suspended windows in a building with a basket. At one point, one of the ropes holding the basket burst, leaving the workers suspended and at risk of falling.

Both had harnesses and safety ropes, known as “lifelines,” which allowed police from the SSP Yucatán to support them. They arrived at the scene in minutes.

The help of telescopic ladders or any type of vertical rescue was not necessary since the workers were pulled to the top with the same lifelines.

The police became aware, and this was a shock for these people used to working at heights.

TYT Newsroom

The post Two men are left hanging after a rope breaks in a building in Mérida first appeared on The Yucatan Times.