Environmentalists denounce the slaughter of 60 parrotfish in Cozumel

The organization ‘Corales Vivos Cozumel’ (Cozumel Living Corals) requested urgent action and intervention by Profepa to reinforce surveillance in the area.

The environmental organization ‘Corales Vivos Cozumel denounced the terrible discovery of approximately 60 mutilated parrotfish on the coast of the island. The news was released on Thursday, February 20, through their social networks, where they expressed their indignation at this act of environmental depredation and savagery.

The group reported that the massacre was discovered during coastal monitoring carried out by their brigade members, who located the bodies of the fish in a vacant lot next to the El Cantil building, in the coastal area, in front of the Municipal Palace. According to them, these fish are protected by NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010, which prohibits their capture at any time of the year.

The parrotfish plays a crucial role in maintaining coral reefs healthy, as it feeds on algae and helps maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Its decline puts marine biodiversity at risk and can affect other species that depend on reefs for their survival. The extraction and commercialization of these fish is considered an illegal activity that can lead to severe sanctions for those responsible.

In light of this fact, ‘Corales Vivos Cozumel urged the population to report any illegal fishing activity on the island, especially if it involves species in closed season such as the parrotfish. They also reminded that citizens can report the presence of groups with fishing gear or harpoons in protected areas by calling 911.

The case has already been reported to the Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park and the Isla Cozumel Flora and Fauna Protection Area, in the hope that the authorities will take immediate measures to prevent new acts of predation in the region. The Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) has also been asked to intervene to reinforce surveillance in the most vulnerable areas and apply the corresponding sanctions to those responsible.

The environmentalists asked citizens to become aware of the importance of protecting marine biodiversity, promoting respect for the species in closed seasons, and encouraging responsible practices in fishing and ecological tourism. “The care of our reefs is a task for everyone,” they concluded.

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