Disney Cruise Passengers Visit the Jurassic Trail in Progreso

Passengers on the Disney Cruise, from Galveston, Texas, learned more about dinosaurs and their extinction when they visited the Jurassic Trail theme park on Sunday, December 8th.

Cintia Guadalupe Sosa Gómez, director of the park, explained that the group of passengers who visited the facilities were surprised by the story of the disappearance of the dinosaurs, which had Chicxulub port as its epicenter, the exact place where they were standing.

In this context, Sosa Gómez reiterated that the objective of the Dinosaur Trail is not only to talk about dinosaurs but also to invite people to reflect on the consequences of the impact of the meteor and how that historic event caused certain characteristics that make Yucatan unique.

For all of the above, the municipal official invites people from Progreso and tourists from different parts of the country and the world to visit the place: “Mayor Erik Rihani, through the 100xProgreso program, seeks to inspire new generations to study and protect the planet, and visiting this park is a good option to start preserving our natural resource,” she said.

The costs of access to the Jurassic Trail are: children from 3 to 10 years old $100; teenagers from 11 to 17 years old $150; adults 18 years old and older $200; and foreigners $300.

It is worth mentioning that Yucatecans enjoy a 50% discount on admission from Monday to Friday. Senior citizens have a 50% discount every day, and people with some type of disability have free access every day.

The Jurassic Trail is located on the Progreso-Chicxulub Puerto highway and Conkal-Chicxulub Puerto highway. Opening hours are Monday to Sunday, from 5:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

TYT Newsroom

The post Disney Cruise Passengers Visit the Jurassic Trail in Progreso first appeared on The Yucatan Times.