Campeche Congress eliminates sanctions for those who perform voluntary abortions

Local legislators approved the initiative of the State Human Rights Commission (Codhecam) to decriminalize abortion in the state.

Behind closed doors, local deputies approved by majority an initiative of the State Human Rights Commission (Codhecam) to decriminalize abortion within 12 weeks of gestation, and increased the sanctions for those who force a woman to abort against her will.

The approval occurred on Monday, February 24th, in what Congress called a “reserved session” and according to the Organic Law of the institution, legislators are prohibited from revealing in which direction each one voted.

“Legislation was passed in favor of the physical and mental health of women and pregnant people who, for various reasons, decide to voluntarily terminate their pregnancy before 12 weeks, as determined by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation in its Action of Unconstitutionality 148/17,” reported the Directorate of Social Communication of the Legislative Branch in a bulletin.

In said action of unconstitutionality, “a methodology was established for the analysis of the fundamental rights that women have regarding their right to decide, to health, to the free development of their personality and human dignity.”

The new provision modifies articles 157 and 158 of the Penal Code of the State of Campeche, increasing the penalties from eight to 10 years of prison when a woman is forced to abort against her will through physical or psychological violence.

According to the text of the initiative, articles 155 and 159 of the State Penal Code were also reformed, eliminating all sanctions against those who perform “voluntary abortion.”

“The non-criminalization of women is a right and a judicial mandate in our country, safe and legal abortion is a matter of State because the protection of public health and care of women and pregnant people is a responsibility,” declared the institution on behalf of the anonymous majority that approved the initiative.