Motorist causes spectacular crash on the Mérida-Tixkokob highway

A woman who was driving a March car on the Mérida-Tixcocob highway was involved in a serious road accident that left the car unusable shortly before noon on Tuesday, February 25.

It was learned that the woman was traveling from west to east on the highway, when at kilometer 3, she apparently became stressed upon seeing the slow-moving traffic and began to overtake several vehicles, almost emulating Malcom’s mother in the middle.

Then, in her reckless maneuver, she realized that a Versa vehicle was coming from the front and to avoid a full-on collision with it, the woman swerved into the woods but was hit by the Versa at the very back door and ended her crazy race in the woods, in turn, the Versa ended up in the traffic ditch, ready for the junkyard.

Despite the spectacular nature; fortunately, there were no injuries, the incident only resulted in very expensive material damages that would be covered by the insurance of both units and of course in the lady’s wallet.

TYT Newsroom