Femicide on the rise: 12 women are murdered every day in Mexico

One in four women has been subjected to violence in her relationship.

A study highlights the need for schools to take a leading role in the prevention and early detection of violence in dating relationships

In Mexico, more than 12 women are victims of femicide every day. However, this figure may be incomplete, because it only counts deaths that have already been classified as femicides, as revealed by the study known as “Dating Violence from a School Perspective.”

In addition, one in four women aged 15 to 19 who have had a partner have experienced violence in their relationship.

In 2022, more than five women died every hour worldwide at the hands of their partners (men).

Latin America is the region of the world with the highest figures for gender violence and femicides.

This study, presented by the organization Mexicanos Primero and Fundación Naná, warns that adolescent girls have an 8-10% higher risk than adult women of suffering gender-based violence and dating violence.

The research indicates that the first signs of violence usually appear between two and 12 months after the beginning of a relationship when the honeymoon phase ends, and that violence does not usually go from zero to 100, nor does it occur constantly throughout the entire time in the relationship, but rather is interspersed with moments of calm and reconciliation.

Given this, the study indicates that it is important to understand the main warning signs of a situation of violence such as the need for control by the partner, over any area of ​​the victim’s personal life; jealousy; disrespect for consent or autonomy in any of its forms and a partner who is unrecognizable or changes mood very frequently.

Patricia Vázquez, executive president of Mexicanos Primero, explained that the detection and prevention of violence in school environments require urgent attention, especially from educational authorities at all levels and modalities.

The study indicates that it is essential that schools, as spaces for training and coexistence, take on a leading role in the prevention and early detection of violence in dating relationships, for which it is necessary to implement comprehensive strategies that include education with a gender and human rights perspective, teacher training, family awareness and the creation of clear protocols to deal with cases of violence.

Ximena Céspedes, president of the Naná Foundation, highlighted the importance of education and awareness to prevent violence in relationships from adolescence.

She explained that the foundation is aimed at adolescents, but also speaks to parents, teachers, school nursing staff, therapists, and everyone around young people, both victims of violence and those who exercise it.

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