Violent subject is arrested in Cacalchén, Yucatán

CACALCHÉN, Yucatán.- A man, allegedly under the influence of drugs, was arrested by the Municipal Police for causing damage to public property.

The events took place on Tuesday, January 28th, in a property in the municipality of Cacalchen, where the man, identified as Francisco Javier L. R., arrived upset and aggressive, breaking some items inside his home. He had been previously caught on video destroying the base of an electrical connection, property of the CFE.

Due to the fear caused by the violent actions of the man, locals reported the events to the authorities.

Municipal Police officers arrived at the scene, arrested and transferred the man, to prevent him from continuing with his violent actions.

Cacalchen is located 42 kilometers (26 miles) East of Merida (INEGI)

According to the residents of Cacalchen, the man is a well-known subject in the community, lives alone, and is linked to the consumption of prohibited substances.

TYT Newsroom

The post Violent subject is arrested in Cacalchén, Yucatán first appeared on The Yucatan Times.