Yucatan artisans are threatened by the production of garments made in Asia

In Yucatan, the artisan sector has been affected by the production of products from Asian countries, since these are produced in large quantities and at very low prices.

The president of the National Chamber of the Clothing Industry (Canaive) in Yucatan, Luis Gerardo González Morales, mentioned that one of the artisan sectors that has been most affected is the one belonging to the textile sector.

“The greatest threat is online products from countries from Asia because the prices are very low and we cannot compete,” he said.

Although they are seeking regulation on the subject to have a “level playing field,” this has not been achieved so far and the online sale of foreign products continues.

He mentioned that at the business level and also among local artisans there are significant losses, especially for the clothing industry these are million-dollar losses.

Some of the products in which there is the greatest “unfair” competition are guayaberas, clothing for girls and boys, and nursing uniforms.

“This is even though we are a country and a state with qualified labor, we have high-quality products and we make long-lasting garments and in the case of guayaberas it is also a cultural issue,” she said.

At the same time, he described that in Yucatan quality textiles are used and the garments are made professionally.

The artisans who have been most affected by this situation come from Tekit, Tekax, Mama, Motul, and Seyé; and the countries that send the most products and garments for sale online are China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Thailand among others.

TYT Newsroom

The post Yucatan artisans are threatened by the production of garments made in Asia first appeared on The Yucatan Times.

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