Mérida stands out among the cities with the smallest wage gap between women and men

At the national level, the city of Merida ranks eighth with a difference of only 5.6 percent, compared to the 12 percent that prevails in the rest of the country.

The municipal president of Mérida, Cecilia Patrón Laviada, highlighted the results obtained in terms of employment and wage gap in the city and assured that these results are the result of joint work between the city council and the citizens.

In this context, she mentioned that according to the information issued by the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), at the national level, Mérida is ranked eighth with the smallest wage gap between men and women, with a difference of only 5.6 percent in favor of men.

This translates into an average daily salary for women of 480.98 pesos and 507.79 pesos for men, which means that it is twice as low as the wage gap that exists in the rest of the country, which is up to 12 percent.

TYT Newsroom

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