The hurricane season could end with the last rains of the year in the Yucatan Peninsula

The hurricane season could end with the last rains of the year in the Yucatan Peninsula”, revealed the member of the Institutional Committee for the Attention of Extreme Meteorological Phenomena of the Autonomous University of Yucatan (CIAFEME), Juan Vázquez Montalvo, who assured that cold front number 10 is leaving for the entry of number 11 with temperatures below 14 degrees for the Yucatan.

He said that cold front number 10 is beginning to dissipate, leaving behind cool dawns and hot days in the state.

However, these conditions will change with the entry of cold front number 11, expected for Friday or Saturday, when moderate rains and a decrease in temperatures are expected.

He commented that last weekend, cold front number 10 caused a historic drop in the thermometer, registering values ​​below 10 degrees Celsius in southern towns such as El Escondido, San Diego Buena Vista, Tzucacab, and Tekax, the lowest temperature for November since 2017.

He also detailed that, with the arrival of the new cold front, maximum temperatures in Merida will range between 19 and 31 degrees, while on the Yucatan coast values ​​between 17 and 29 degrees are estimated.

Minimum temperatures could drop to 12 degrees in southern regions and the exhenequen area, while in Merida records of between 16 and 18 degrees are expected.

The post The hurricane season could end with the last rains of the year in the Yucatan Peninsula first appeared on The Yucatan Times.