The cold front season has already begun. In the last month, acute respiratory diseases have increased by 14%, going from 236,558 to 270,508 cases, according to data from the Federal Ministry of Health.
The current figures have not exceeded those of last year, since the Epidemiological Surveillance Bulletin of the federal government reports that 270,508 cases of acute respiratory diseases have been treated in public hospitals so far this year; This means 49,262 fewer incidents compared to last year.
Health specialists warn of an increase in cases, the vast majority due to viruses, with childhood being one of the most vulnerable sectors of the population.
According to the pediatric infectologist at the José Agustín O’Horán hospital, Pedro Palma Chan, with the arrival of the winter season, respiratory diseases in general for boys and girls increase by 70%, which is why he considered it requires attention that these illnesses do not reach their most acute stages, especially in those most remote communities of the state, where medical care involves the transfer of the patient to the municipal capitals, where the IMSS family medical units are located.
“Infection can occur through respiratory droplets when coughing, sneezing, or even talking, as well as through contact with contaminated surfaces. Children, due to their still developing immune system, are especially vulnerable, especially in school environments or closed spaces where contact is constant,” he noted.
The specialist said that the most common respiratory diseases at this time of year are the common cold, flu, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and bronchitis. In more acute cases, pneumonia or bronchopneumonia may occur.
If a minor patient presents persistent symptoms of high fever, cough, difficulty breathing, or chest pain, they should go to the doctor. Early detection of a major illness is vital so that the disease does not reach the most serious stages, such as pneumonia or bronchopneumonia, which require hospitalization.
For his part, general practitioner Fernando Cisneros Sulú said that cases of respiratory diseases tend to increase this season and that of the total universe of them, the vast majority – between 85 and 90% – are caused by viruses. Both specialists agreed that sudden changes in temperature, and self-medication should be avoided, and if more serious symptoms occur, go to the doctor.
TYT Newsroom
The post Acute respiratory infections increase by 14% in Yucatán first appeared on The Yucatan Times.