Melissa Puga wins the Mayorship of Izamal

The Morena party adds another district to its list of governed municipalities.

The candidate of the common Morena, PT and Verde candidacy, Melissa Puga Rodríguez, won the Municipal Presidency of Izamal, with the sum of 9,324 votes according to the count, through the PREP of the 37 polling stations that were installed; the PAN member Maribel Tugores received 1,955 votes, and although she lost the PAN, she received more votes than in the elections last June.

Without a PRI opponent on the scene, the Morena members add another municipality to their list of governed municipalities. With the triumph of Melissa Puga Rodríguez, the candidate, a quiet extraordinary electoral day ended in Izamal, this time, the vote counting was the most guarded by security elements of the three levels.

The first polling stations for the extraordinary electoral process in the municipality of Izamal opened an hour late, to the dismay of citizens who, for the second time, had to return to the polls to cast their vote.

The Morena candidate for mayor, Melissa Puga, came to cast her vote at the polling station installed at the “Guadalupe Victoria” school, accompanied by supporters. While Maribel Tugores, the PAN candidate, did the same.

In total, the electoral roll lists considered 21,687 voters from Izamal and its police stations, who had the possibility of going to the 37 available polling stations.

TYT Newsroom

The post Melissa Puga wins the Mayorship of Izamal first appeared on The Yucatan Times.