App “Va y Ven” causes fear among users due to alleged virus

Several users of the Vay Ven Transportation System have reported failures in the application, and some have even received warnings that it is a malicious virus.

The problems began last Saturday, November 9th, after the Yucatan Transportation Agency (ATY) announced the app’s update to make it “faster and friendlier.”

However, from the first minute on Saturday, the problems began: the majority could no longer access the “app” where they can see the arrival times of the buses and transport routes, for example.

As the hours passed, the problem increased and the only thing that appeared when trying to access the “app” was that the site was under maintenance and to try again later.

The number of people affected was such that the ATY had to report that “due to the high demand for updating the application, we are undergoing maintenance to optimize the application and improve the digital experience of users.”

A good number of users managed to access the updated “app”, but others did not, even in their multiple attempts to enter they received a malware alert, that was a Trojan-type virus.

The virus, according to the alert, is an Evo Gen Android, designed to provide remote and unauthorized access to the user’s device.

Information from the website indicates that this virus is a threat to devices with the Android operating system and that it is capable of causing damage such as theft of personal information, slowdowns, and security problems.

The announcement set off people’s alarm, who immediately began to ask on social networks why that message was appearing.

Some assumed that it was because the system was saturated, but others went further, ensuring that it was so that the government spied on citizens.

Even yesterday some users, although fewer compared to those affected on Saturday and Sunday, were still having problems accessing the app. When asked about the possibility of a virus in the app, the Yucatán Transportation Agency was informed that the Va y Ven application is under maintenance and that its team is working on it. They assured that “there is no risk of data or identity theft if they have the app”.

TYT Newsroom

The post App “Va y Ven” causes fear among users due to alleged virus first appeared on The Yucatan Times.